Thursday, January 26, 2012

It's one a.m. again...

I knew going back to school would be a challenge, but this feels a little bit crazy.  This is the third night in a row that I've stayed up past one am.  It's just so quiet, and there is just so much to do.

I have 13 credits this semester. I needed three classes no matter how I sliced it, so I went for a full load. I'm not regretting it, not at all. I just had no idea what it really meant in terms of time. I also forgot what it's like to use my higher thinking skills. (is that real, or did I just make that up?)   Reading a Bio textbook is so....nap inducing, yet I feel so excited when I stay awake AND understand it.  Perhaps this will change. I have a few friends who tell me that this enthusiasm for good grades will wane with time, I'm not sure I believe them. I have a lot of future plans that depend on doing this well, and I've waited too long to be here to give it any less than my best shot.

I still think sleep is a really good thing. I may or may not figure out a different study schedule.  If I don't I may crash and burn, but right now, this first week, this is working. I'm keeping up, and I'm getting it.
That feels really good.


  1. I found your blog through a friend's facebook post. I have 5 kids and will be completing an accounting degree either this fall or next spring. I just quit my part-time job in order to take on more than full-time credits (15 this semester). Just wanted you to know, it's not easy but it is doable! And I have never had anything less than an A, so don't let the naysayers get to you. :) Good luck!

  2. Hey, thanks for the support! I haven't had a lot of naysayers, but I do get amazed looks as I tell people that I'm taking 13 credit hours this first semester. It's wonderful to hear about those at the end of the journey, rather than the beginning. Good luck going full time.
