Sunday, February 19, 2012

Twitchy me

Time heals all wounds, and almost all stresses.I feel much better than I did a few days ago. I'm not deluding myself, this next week will bring it's own set of challenges. But, in retrospect last week's challenges weren't that bad. The kids and I tackled the house, and made living here a little bit more pleasant.  I got a 93% on my bio test, yay me!  I took my Spanish test, and although grades aren't back yet, I think it went OK. I'm settling into a groove and the studying doesn't seem quite as foreign. Last week I joined a gym and even went four times. I was tired of talking about stress management, and not doing anything. I actually wrote my English paper. It was totally intimidating. Not because I don't think I can write, but because I want to do well, and when there are specific parameters for a paper I get concerned that I can't or won't be able to follow directions. Did you know that about me? I really despise doing what I'm told. I collect cookbooks, but make my own recipes. I try to eat healthy, but can't go more than three hours trying to follow a "food plan". For reasons that have not been fully explored, I really hate being told what to do. So, It always feels like a big accomplishment when I follow directions. I even submitted my paper. I almost forgot to do that, there is probably a profound life lesson in there somewhere, but I haven't dug that deep quite yet. I hope this week I can add another positive habit, and that the twitch in my eye goes away, but I'm kind of afraid that it will be a while before that happens!

1 comment:

  1. Brenda, you are a brave woman to take on so much. I really admire you! Way to go on your tests and papers! Oh, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who has difficulty sticking to a "food plan". Watching what I eat just takes the fun out of all the good foods out there. :)
